In the early morning of a crisp March day, a group of enthusiastic hikers set off on an adventurous journey. They marched through lush green valleys, climbed steep mountains, and crossed babbling streams. Each step filled them with a sense of accomplishment and wonder as they discovered the breathtaking beauty of nature. Along the way, they encountered various challenges, but their determination never wavered. With every march forward, they not only strengthened their bodies but also expanded their minds. The month of March became a symbol of their unwavering spirit and their willingness to embrace the unknown.
- 释义:名词,三月;行军;进军;动词,行进;前进;进展
- procession:名词,队伍;行列;行进
- advance:名词,前进;进步;动词,前进;推进
- trek:名词,跋涉;长途跋涉;动词,跋涉;长途跋涉
- stride:名词,大步;进展;动词,大步行走;大步前进
- proceed:动词,继续;前进;进行